snail wings

snail wings.jpg

It was wish day and the snail wasn’t sure what to ask for.

“I could be anything,” it thought to itself,
a sunbeam or a machine or a dragon or a human. “

“I could be as powerful and beautiful as I dream that I am.”

“So let me be beautiful then,” said the snail to the dream,
and strong and bright and intelligent and flying!”

It wished for a little bit of everything wrapped in one.

The dream wakes. The magic is begun:

You are beautiful as you are,” the dream spoke to them,
with spiral spun shell and iridescent slime.”

You are strong as you are,” said the dream chanting on,
with patience unmatched, vulnerability unnerving.

You turn bright in the rain and you brave every storm.

You are intelligent to take a wish and try to make it more.

I see you are already what you’ve been wishing for.
There’s really only one thing that I can do from here.

So the dream changed form
and the snail sprouted
little wings of slime
and that’s how it became

a little land dragon flying.


Sam Zog

The Curiousiteer.


a peek at the process of making monsters


Self Protection