work with zog.

As an experienced writer, editor, art maker, event doer, researcher, brand ambassador and promoter I have a lot of skills to offer!

I have assisted many local businesses by producing written web and marketing content including: blog posts, online text, crowd funding campaigns, video scripts, pamphlets, and more.

Or if you’re looking for a little in person sparkle instead, I have also worked many concerts and tradeshows as a brand promoter and lead collector. I can help you bring your event or booth to life!

My print and news media contributions include blurbs and articles written for publications such as:

City Guide
Salt Lake City Weekly
Best of Utah: Body & Mind
Best of Utah: Real Estate

As a university graduate I received my 4 year bachelor’s degree in writing with an additional minor emphasis in digital media.

Since then I have used my unique skillset to get involved with many local events and businesses in the city around me. I hope to do the same for your project and slice of the city. Message me!

Writing and portfolio samples made available upon request.

Please fill out the form below to connect.

Let’s make something!